Become a Mentor
Have you ever thought you could play a bigger role on this earth and help others on their way?
Have you ever felt hyper-energized by working together with someone?
Have you ever had the feeling you could avoid making many mistakes if you only had someone to talk to?
Have you ever thought of guiding the next generation?
Have you ever experienced the joy of helping someone understand something?
Have you ever thought you could play a bigger role on this earth and help others on their way?
This is my vision:
When we connect and communicate with each other to help one another, there is no limit to what we can achieve!
I want everyone to experience this. And mentoring is one of the ways to realize it. If you answered “yes” to one of the statements above, mentoring is for you. If you affirmed one of the questions above, this Weight Loss Program will help you!
Register for the program, and you will discover that you already have all it takes to be a great mentor.
Take this program to realize that being a mentor is nothing else than what you have been doing all along.
Complete the program to learn how to do it on purpose and multiply the effects of your actions as a mentor.
Ideal Skills and Abilities
Value the program, terms & conditions, and the other mentors.
Be a team player & representative of our Weight Loss program.
Be willing to learn & grow through the position.
Possess a high level of maturity.
Be flexible and willing to put the group's needs above personal needs.
Value and appreciate diversity in cultures, values, and personality.
Be an effective communicator with the mentees.
Cooperate with other associated mentors.
Maintain a high level of energy and enthusiasm when working long days, evenings, and or weekends.
Be able to adapt and adjust quickly to different situations.
Be able to analyze information and make informed decisions.
Be able to accept new tasks and responsibilities.
The Commitment
All the mentors must be able to attend every and all the training sessions and meetings.
All the mentors are expected to participate in all official Mentoring Program functions.
All the mentors must attend scheduled staff meetings and download our Fleek App for supervision purposes.
All the mentors must plan, coordinate and facilitate daily or weekly meetings with each individual mentee.
All the mentors should have progress reports of their mentees.
All the mentors will help with the setup/ breakdown of sessions, events, and, activities sponsored by the program.
At the conclusion of the program, all the mentors can bring their mentees to work in coordination with the other mentors as mentors.
You can download our compensation plan from this link.
Having a mentor to guide you in your weight loss journey is crucial, as their knowledge, support, and encouragement can make a world of difference in achieving your goals. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor we would love to hear from you.