Of the six dimensions of wellness, the physical dimension is perhaps the most easily understood but involves much more than #cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility.
Physical wellness is multi-faceted and is relative to each person's abilities and disabilities. It involves developing healthy lifestyle habits and avoiding negative, excessive behavior.
For example, some seniors we know live alone in their own homes and do most of the day-to-day maintenance themselves, such as tending the lawn, working in the garden, and even shoveling snow. Many exercise several days a week at the local wellness center. Although they are grandmothers and grandfathers in their eighties, they are intent on maintaining their health and wellness. Typical exercise routines include the elliptical, abdominal, rowing, and arm machines. Some take strength classes once a week. Others walk on treadmills in their homes or park away from store entrances in order to get more walking in. Most avoid fast food and junk food, but they treat themselves occasionally to their favorite dessert and healthy snacks.
The physical dimension of wellness encourages activities that contribute to personal safety, medical self-care, and the appropriate use of the medical system, which might include fitness, nutrition, and #WeightControl, #health screenings, disease #prevention, and #lifestyle habits.
Even normal, everyday activities contribute to physical wellness- walking, dressing, reaching, folding, lifting, carrying, pouring, and stirring for example. #PhysicalWellness also encompasses tasting, hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, doing, feeling, and being.
What activities are in your physical dimension? Write down your activities and goals to improve and maintain your activity level.
Stay tuned for future editions on individual #wellness dimensions and personal wellness journeys.
Tara Townsend, OTR/L, is Director, Rehabilitation and Wellness at Burcham Hills Retirement Community and Center for Health & Rehabilitation in East Lansing. Reach her at (517) 351-8377