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STRENGTH TRAINING: Iron, the mineral and weights, are crucial to good health

Molly Nevins

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Iron is very important in achieving optimal health. In this article, iron refers to the mineral, and also to "pumping iron" (lifting weights). Most experts agree that to be your healthiest, you must have a good diet and exercise in some form or another.

There are many theories on what constitutes a good diet and equally as many theories about the best kind of exercise. Science outlines the basics, including daily recommend intake of minerals and recommendations for movement. That information is essential and reliable.

Each individual body requires different things when it comes to food groups, macronutrients, and exercise formats. All bodies, however, need iron and resistance training to be their strongest self.


Iron is a #mineral that helps carry oxygen to the red blood cells, so it's pretty important. Without proper #oxygen in the blood, organs, and muscles do not get enough oxygen and therefore cannot function properly. Although there are iron #supplements, just like with any other mineral, it is best to consume them naturally through your diet.

Red meats, #poultry, and #fish are the best sources of iron for consumption and absorption. With those red meats, be sure to pick the leaner cuts to avoid too much #cholesterol and saturated fat, which can cause other problems.

Other sources of iron include, but are not limited to; spinach, #broccoli, prunes, dried fruits, lentils, beans, nuts, and some cereals. Vitamin C can help absorb iron, so be sure your diet includes enough of that as well. Some good natural sources include; #tomatoes, peppers, melons, citrus fruits, broccoli, and cabbage.

The recommended amount of iron varies with gender and age, but averages around 10 mg for males and around 13 mg for females. The recommendation increases if the individual is pregnant. The recommended amount of Vitamin C for an average adult is 65-90 mg per day.


Strength training often includes weights, but it can also be achieved with resistance tubing, body weight, machines, cables, etc. The list of benefits from strength training is huge. Some of the most important benefits include; increased muscle mass, increased bone density, management of weight and chronic conditions, increased strength and ease of daily activities, and better blood flow.

Before you start any exercise program, it is suggested that you talk with your physician to make sure it is safe for you. Once you have to go ahead, you will get the most benefits if you can include strength training three times per week. Make sure to work all the major muscle groups; legs, chest, back, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and core. Some people prefer to do fewer repetitions with higher weights, some prefer to do lower weights with higher repetitions. Until you figure out what works best for you, find a weight or resistance that you can do about 10 repetitions. It should be tough to squeak the last couple out, if not, you can probably handle a higher weight. Once you figure out the right resistance for you, 3 sets of 10 is a good start for each movement.

Get to work on adding both types of iron into your life, and you should be feeling healthier in no time!

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