Recently I was reluctantly sent on a journey by my doctor to help determine why I was constantly not feeling well. Despite my efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle, I was experiencing the following symptoms on a daily basis: fatigue, lethargy, inability to concentrate or focus on tasks, stomach cramps, nausea, disorientation/fog brain, and irritability.
One week prior to my doctor’s appointment, I unknowingly ran a red light, not realizing it until I was in the middle of the intersection.
I was hoping to have my thyroid medicine “tweaked” only to be given an elimination/detox diet. “A what diet?” was my first reaction.
I had always eaten healthy, or so I thought. My diet consisted of whole wheat bread, grains, fruits and vegetables, and the occasional junk food splurge and I have been a #runner and working out since I was 15 years old. I was frustrated that I still felt horrible on a daily basis.
The purpose of this diet was to eliminate addictive, inflammatory foods and foods commonly known to cause allergies. 21 days of eliminating these types of foods would detox my body of harmful chemicals and allow a period of healing.
I was instructed to eliminate: tree nuts, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, wheat, grains, chocolate, and sugar in any form. After the 21 day period, I was allowed to add single-ingredient foods back into my diet every three days.
I was instructed to record any reactions to the foods re-introduced into my diet. Throughout my journey, as I struggled to eliminate these foods, that I soon realized I was addicted to, I discovered the meaning of a trigger.
According to the Weight Watchers Research Department, a trigger can be defined as something that sets in motion a course of events. The following are recognized as the three most common triggers:
TRIGGER FOODS: A trigger food is a specific food that sets off a course of #overeating where control is lost. The most common trigger foods are calorie-dense, highly palatable foods that are often combinations of sugar and fat or fat and salt.
TRIGGER FEELINGS: A trigger feeling is an emotion, good or bad, that sets off a period of overeating.
TRIGGER ENVIRONMENTS: A trigger environment is a specific situation or place that sets off a period of overeating in a habitual way.
Triggers can be applied to other vices in our lives such as alcohol, #tobacco use, watching television, gaming, gambling, or ________ (insert your vice). Today’s American culture encourages society to overindulge 365 days a year: holidays, sporting events, #vacations, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, thirsty Thursday, Fridays…. You get the picture.
I feel great now that I’ve identified and eliminated foods that I’m sensitive to. I encourage you to enjoy life more fully, discover your possible triggers this week. Keep a journal to determine, situations, foods, or feelings that may trigger unhealthy behavior.
Enjoy your journey!