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How to Make Your Oatmeal Less Complicated

Alex Curtis

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

When I make myself oatmeal at home, I use organic rolled oats from the bulk aisle of my grocery store. Each pound of oats costs $1.99, which works out to be about 17 cents per 1/4 cup serving.

Compare that 17 cents of #organic, high-quality oatmeal to the $3.00 instant oatmeal pack that works out to be 38 cents per serving.

So you save money by making your own, and you can add the #ingredients you want without all that added sugar.


  • 1 pound rolled oats, gluten-free if needed

  • Optional: dried fruit, nuts, flax, or other grains

Place your oats (and other grains and spices, if using) in a blender and pulse/ blend until smooth. The thinner the oats, the thicker the cereal. Add dried #fruitandnuts, if desired.

Store in a jar or measure them out into 1/4 cup servings in individual baggies for easy on-the-go use.

To eat, simply add hot water and stir until it thickens. Add about equal amounts of water and dry mix. Of course, you may adjust this if you like thinner or thicker oatmeal.

I can’t wait to experiment with this recipe more! Some of my ideas include:

  • Mixing grains by adding rice flour, millet, quinoa, or buckwheat

  • Homestyle Oats: raisins, cinnamon, and #walnuts

  • Apple Crisp: dried apple bits, cinnamon, nutmeg, and #almond pieces

  • Double Chocolate: cocoa powder and cacao nibs

  • Strawberries and Cream: #vanilla bean and dried strawberries

  • Trail-mix: Add as many nuts and dried fruit pieces as possible.

  • Chocolate-Peanut Butter: #Peanuts and cocoa powder

Now you can bring your own instant oats whenever you are traveling! Almost every hotel has a coffee maker in the room now, so you can heat up your #water and dump a bag of your own instant oats in a to-go mug. You can even make coffee-flavored oatmeal by adding #coffee into the oats!



Alex Curtis is a blogger and cook who is living a sugar-free lifestyle. She is a regular contributor to Healthy & Fit Magazine. Visit for more great recipes.


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