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3 Easy Ways to Save Your Sanity This Holiday Season

Lisa Marie Conklin

Remember when the holidays were fun? Like, when you were a kid? It's time to experience that child-like wonder again. Here's how:

  • Decline some invites. You can party all night if you're a Kardashian but in the real world, most of us have to get up the next day to work, watch children, prepare for the holidays, and more. If you feel guilty about missing out, schedule a lunch date in the new year with the people that you wanted to see at the party.

  • Ditch traditions that suck the life out of you. If baking and decorating sugar cookies until the wee hours of the morning is killing your joy, consider alternatives like buying some from a bakery or using pre-made #cookie dough. The kids can still decorate the cookies but you won't have to spend so much time baking them. Think about what traditions can be scratched or how a new, less-time consuming tradition can be added without too much revolt from the family.

  • Ditch the holiday cards and #newsletters. Try something more personal and call cherished family and friends instead. Do it while you're doing dishes, walking the dog, and wait till the New Year to catch up.


It is the season for indulgence, right? Yet when January 1 rolls around, we often regret the pounds we packed on during the holidays. Luckily, there's a way to enjoy all the food of the season without going overboard! It all starts in your head. We're distracted even more this time of the year with the hustle and bustle of the season and often overeat without realizing it until our tummy revolts. Take the following steps to become a mindful eater and you won't have any regrets on New Year's Day.

  • Pay attention to your hunger signals. When a baby is hungry, she eats heartily but turns away from the bottle when she is full. Ask yourself if you're really hungry before you eat a cookie from the office kitchen.

  • Be a conscious eater. While you eat, savor the flavor. Appreciate the #aroma. When you're chewing, notice the texture.

  • Slow down and chew your food thoroughly between bites. Don't put another mouthful in, until you have swallowed the first bite. If you're using utensils, put the fork or spoon down between bites. Take a sip of water between bites. Talk to the people sharing the same table.

The cornucopia of holiday food available to us is quite overwhelming. Remind yourself this isn't the only time you'll have access to these tempting treats. There will always be cookies and pies. You don't have to say yes to everything.


The centerpiece of many tables during the holidays, but did you know these interesting facts about this holiday bird? Read on and you'll have a conversation starter (or distraction) when your cousins start fighting.

  • Turkeys weighed in at 13 pounds back in 1930 but today, the average bird is 29 pounds or more!

  • Eating turkey is exhausting. While there is #tryptophan (an amino acid that helps regulate sleep) in turkey, there is also tryptophan in other meats. What makes us tired after eating the #feast? The carbs from the potatoes, rolls, bread, and sugary sweets ignite the release of insulin, which triggers the release of a lot of amino acids, except tryptophan. So, with a clear path in the #bloodstream, tryptophan has a direct path to the brain to help make serotonin, which makes us fall asleep watching football.

  • Dark or white meat? Since turkeys don't fly much, more myoglobin, a protein that sends oxygen to the muscles, gets distributed to their legs and thighs, making the muscle darker. As far as eating goes, per three ounces, darker meat has about 25 more calories than white meat, three additional grams of fat, and two grams less of protein than white meat. However, dark meat typically has more vitamins and minerals.


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