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SPLIT WORKOUT: Five-Plus Day Workout To Try In Conjunction With Cardio Sessions.

Healthy Bag

For all workouts, please choose a weight that is heavy enough where you start to struggle at about 70-80 percent of your completed reps and where you have a hard time completing the final rep of each set.

Try this workout for four to six weeks by changing up the rest period, number of reps, number of sets, or add in drop sets or rest-pause for the final set of each exercise, every week.

Complete the following 5+1 sessions within a 7 day period in conjunction with desired cardio or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions. Try not to include cardio sessions on leg-focused days. Weight training should always be completed prior to a cardio session, but they are best done at separate times of the day.


  • Leg Extensions: 5 sets of 21 reps (7 each ½ up / ½ down/full), 10 sec rest

  • Superset Leg Extensions: 5 sets of 10 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Box Squats: 5 sets of 8 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Smith Machine Front Squat: 4 sets of 10 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Leg Press: 3 Sets of 15 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Body Weight Walking Lunge: 3 sets of 20 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Body Weight Walking ½ Lunge: 3 Sets of 20 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Lying Leg Curls: 4 Sets of 12 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Lunge to Step Up: 4 Sets of 8 reps on each side, 60-sec rest

  • Leg Extensions: 4 Sets of 15 reps, 40-sec rest


  • Rope Face Pull: 5 Sets of 10 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Cable Reverse Fly: 3 Sets of 12 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 3 Sets of 100 reps (up-weight every 10 reps, descend in the middle), 120-sec rest

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 Sets of 12 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Front Raise on Incline (pinkies up): 4 Sets of 10 reps, 40-sec rest

  • Decline Bench Windshield Wipers: 3 Sets of 10 reps, 15-sec rest

  • Twisting Sit up on a Decline Bench: 3 Sets of 12 reps, 15-sec rest

  • Cable Oblique Twist: 3 Sets of 12 reps, 15-sec rest

  • Standing Weighted Single Leg Oblique Crunch: 3 Sets of 10 reps, 40-sec rest


  • Barbell Bench Press: 5 Sets of 5 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Barbell Incline Bench Press: 5 Sets of 6 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Leverage Decline Chest Press: 4 Sets of 10 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Standing Straight Up Cable Fly: 3 Sets of 10 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Cable Fly High, Level, Low: 3 Sets of 21 reps (7 each), 50-sec rest

  • Cable Incline Fly: 3 Sets of 8 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Cable Standing Press: 3 Sets of 15 reps, 50-sec rest

  • Barbell Curl: 4 Sets of 10 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Standing Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 4 Sets of 10, 60-sec rest

  • Hammer Curl with Rope: 4 Sets of 12 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Triceps Pushdown with Rope: 4 sets of 12, 60-sec rest


  • Seated One Leg Curl: 5 Sets of 8 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Seated Leg Curl: 5 Sets of 10 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Reverse Hack Squat: 4 Sets of 8 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 5 Sets of 6 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Goblet Squat: 5 Sets of 8 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Plie Squat: 4 Sets of 12 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Standing Leg Curl: 4 Sets of 8 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Barbell Glute Bridge: 3 Sets of 12 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Dumbbell #Hamstring Curl: 3 Sets of 15 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Stair Climb Calves: 3 Sets of 50 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset –Sumo Squat Jumps : 3 Sets of 12 reps, 60-sec rest


  • Pull-Ups: 5 Sets of 5 reps, 45-sec rest

  • Dumbbell Lying Pull Over: 4 Sets of 15 reps, 30-sec rest

  • Barbell Reverse Grip Bent Over: Row- 5 Sets of 10 reps, 45-sec rest

  • One Arm #Dumbbell Row: 5 Sets of 10 reps, 30-sec rest

  • Seated Cable #Crossover Lat Pull Down - 4 Sets of 12 reps, 30-sec rest

  • Elevated Cable Rows: 5 Sets of 15 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Hanging Leg Raises: 5 Sets of 8 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Straight Arm Push Down: 4 Sets of 15 reps, 10-sec rest

  • Superset Rope Crunch: 4 Sets of 12 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Seated Behind the Neck Pull-down - 4 Sets of 12 reps, 45-sec rest


  • Do all exercises with a 60 sec Fast Run (treadmill or field) in between after rest

  • Prowler Plate Push: 3 x 25 yards 30-sec rest

  • Wall Balls: 25 reps, 30-sec rest

  • Ladder Skips Side to Side: 2 x down and back, 30-sec rest

  • Pull-ups: 12 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Farmer Walk: 2 x 40 steps, 60-sec rest

  • Barbell #Walking Lunge: 40 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Toes to Bar: 20 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Push-up: 30 reps, 60 rest

  • Double Unders: 50 reps, 60-sec rest

  • Row: 500 meters


Kristin Berard


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