Sleep, at any time of the year, is occasionally challenging. These are nights when I fall asleep, and stay asleep, quickly and soundly. There are other nights when I lie awake staring at the Tv, trying to get my mind to shut off. It usually balances out, so I don't worry all that much.
This time of the year, though, external forces make sleep much more difficult. My nemesis for sleep is wind. And with spring here, so are the unstable #weather patterns that produce sleep-robbing storms. I'm sure most of them will be just windy enough to intentionally hit my house at every angle possible to keep me awake.
I live outside the city, with the landlord around my home. The open space is like a runway for the wind. There are nights it feels like my siding is being ripped off. There are times I feel like the windows are going to be blown in, or our chimney ripped off. Of course, our house is well built, and deep down I know that, but at 3 am the mind wants to believe what it wants to believe. At 3 am, I feel like a little pig with the big bad wolf huffing and puffing outside.
Yep, the wind is not my friend. I find myself watching the weather closely these days, too. I try to figure out the hour-by-hour forecast, not only for any day trips I might be taking but for my sleep.
The one thing I've learned about trying to #sleep through #spring storms is there isn't much I can do about it. I'm a light sleeper by nature, so unless I can figure out a way to drown out the noises produced by the windstorm, I'm out of luck.
Sleep is important to good health. I can go on about the recommended sleep for adults and kids, but we all know we could use more sleep. Make sure you turn off your devices at least an hour before bed. And speaking of beds, make sure you have a good one that's in a calm place that helps you wind down.
And try to ignore the wind. I haven't solved that one, yet. If you do, let me know. I need sleep.